40 hours

Mauris sollicitudin fermentum libero. Vivamus aliquet elit ac nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
What’s included
average response rate 1 hour
proven track of results
dedicated and honest
$ 3,400.00 USD
Get started with this package today and use my professional consulting services.

Some questions

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, don't hesitate to reach out.
How much does it cost to work with you?

Our fractional engagements are $3,000 per month with a simple month-to-month agreement.  Scoped projects can vary based on the types of deliverables and the timeline. Please book a time here or reach out to contact@velocitapartners.com to discuss your project further.

What is the duration of a typical fractional engagement?

Typically, a fractional engagement ranges from 90 to 180 days; however, it can be a year or longer depending on your desired outcomes. Every fractional engagement is structured to deliver tangible impact as quickly as possible and has the flexibility of month-to-month agreements.

What are your terms for ending a fractional engagement?

Our fractional engagements are straightforward month-to-month agreements, requiring only a 30-day notice to conclude. We're committed to delivering value, and when you decide to end the engagement, we guarantee a seamless offboarding transition to ensure continuity.

Where can we see examples of your work?

Our website offers detailed case studies with work samples and an extensive collection of go-to-market resources and templates. If you have a specific request, please book a time here or message us at contact@velocitapartners.com.

How do you handle knowledge transfer and intellectual property?

We prioritize your success and are committed to transparency and collaboration. All work conducted during our engagement is meticulously documented and continuously transferred to your team. Upon offboarding, we ensure a comprehensive handover. Any intellectual property we produce on your behalf remains entirely yours.

How do you work with proprietary information?

We hold the safeguarding of your proprietary information as a top priority in every engagement. Beyond adhering to Non-disclosure Agreements, we employ stringent precautions to protect sensitive information. We're open to discussing and accommodating any specific measures you require during our initial consultation.